Hi bloggers, I´ve always wanted to travel around the world, it idea motivate me so much. I want to travel and know different places, countries and know landscapes and people of the other cultures. Food, people, colors, animals, cultures and many other interesting things are very exciting for me.
If I have the chance of travelling, I think that Bhutan ("Kingdom of Bhutan") would be a special country to visit. It is a small country in the Eastern Himalayas in South Asia. It´s very quiet and peaceful place. The bhutaneses, people that live in Buthan, are friendly and humble people. Bhutan population is so small, only has 770.000 people!!! State religion is Buddhism but many people are followers of Hinduism. Their economy isn´t based on GDP (or PIB in spanish), they have their own economy index, it´s "Gross National Happiness" (GNH) a holistic concept.
Bhutan have a lot of biodiversity and according to the Swiss-based International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN), Bhutan is viewed as a model for proactive conservation initiatives. The country have forest, mountains (Himalayas) and many national parks, reserves or protected areas... I´ve seen some pictures and I think that it´s a great place to visit ;).
I´m interested in the biodiversity of Buthan.
ReplyDeleteI didn't knew about this country, I love it!
ReplyDeleteI had never heard about this country, It's very small. :o
ReplyDeleteHello benjamin, bhutan is really nice, I hope one day you can go and know that so characteristic place
ReplyDeleteHello benjamin, bhutan is really nice, I hope one day you can go and know that so characteristic place
ReplyDeleteWooh I really like go to Buthan