Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Post 7: VeoVerde Website

Hi guys! Today I want to share you a good website related to my career. It is "VeoVerde", an environmental online newspaper. This includes more than forestry issues, frequently it have other news from other websites, probably runned by friends of “VeoVerde” creators. I like this website because news are related to environmental problems in all the world, also Chile, and usually the journalists write with official information, so I can look it and check the source.

I think that this website was developed for chilean people but I'm not sure. “Veoverde” is a spanish website, but "Betazeta Networks S.A." (yes, same company of CHW, FayerWayer, Niube, Belelú and Wayerless) has the main domain.

I don't use it to develop my university's works but it is a good starting point when I'm browsing on Internet. I use it to know original or news ideas about recycling, environmental tools, sustainability, green public policies, scientific investigations, the status of threatened species of flora/fauna, etc.

If you have free time, I recommend you this website. Its interface is so friendly and the webpage style is very nice!



  1. interesting!! I did not know this website!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't listening after about this page, interested, I will check

  5. that look interesting, should be more web sites to talk about eviorment i think.

  6. Replies
    1. I discovered it browsing on FayerWayer and Niube

  7. Veoverde!! i like it too, but I read them more on facebook

  8. I never was listened about this website :o
