Monday, December 5, 2016

Post 7: Astronomy

Hi astrobloggers, today I`m going to talk about Astronomy. I don't have much to say about it, I have not read some book about it and I don´t understand so much about stars, planets, supernovas, nebula, cosmic matter and these atronomics things. However, I think that all that I have learned was by movies or short cientifics news. 

So, I am going to introduce this post with a little description about Astronomy: "Astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust and other non-Earthly bodies and phenomena. In curriculum for K-4 students, NASA defines astronomy as simple the study of stars, planets and space."

When I was a teenager, I confused Astronomy with Astrology because I thinked that greek ending "-ology" was only used to describe science like Biology, Sociology, Geology, etc., but a good teacher taught me that it isn`t true and I learned that Astronomy is the real science and Astrology is not a science and is not having anything to do with Astronomy. 

I only know one astronomic thing: the sky in the north of Chile is the best to see planets, starts, comets and any others kind of things. I have read something about The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (people say it ALMA). It is a revolutionary instrument in its scientific concept, its engineering design, and its organization as a global scientific endeavor. There is in Atacama desert at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level... I think that it is a great invention and a piece of master technology that could help us to discover our cosmic origins!!!!

So, what do you know about Astronomy ? 


  1. I dont know too much but I think is really exciting

  2. ajaja I also confused astrology with astronomy, but it's good, I'm not the only one who confused those two words.

  3. "astrobloggers" jaja!, I laughed a lot!


  4. Well Chile then, contributing to scientific knowledge

  5. Our cosmic origins is the key for understand the life.
